Ron McCormack

Freelance Author & Management Consultant

Perrine Kalt, the daughter of an eminent psychologist, is a woman of many talents.
Blessed from birth with the potential for higher intelligence, she holds two degrees, business from Oxford University and psychology from Yale.
Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, Perrine Kalt is profoundly immoral and wicked.
She is focused, driven to be the best, crossing any line to achieve her goal. Money is her sole motivation in life.
Her skill set is best served by detaching a person’s attention from their environment while extracting their wealth.
The term “gold digger” only scratches the surface in describing this succubus.
Perrine is untouchable, always miles ahead of the law, until she attempts the most challenging sting of her nefarious career.

A fiction set on Spirit Island in Georgian Bay. The story involves Marie and Andrew Baxter, fraternal twins, who do not accept the mysterious deaths of their grandfather and great-grandfather, two generations of lighthouse keepers on nearby Waaskone Island.
Sometimes the truth should be left untold.

A comic suspense, about 4 golfing buddies who go on a routine weekend to drink, chase and golf. They stumble upon a well-known bookie and criminal, and an opportunity to take their passion for sports fixing to the next level.
They must quickly decide how far they want to go into the dark side of sports. Despite early warning signs, they proceed to Ireland to fulfill their bucket list dream.
They were about to enter a world where murder was commonplace. A world a galaxy away from the one they lived in.
Some passions can be dangerous.
This is almost a fiction.

The Secrets of Mudge Bay
Historical Fiction based on the real-life tragedy of Daniel George Dodge, heir to the Dodge Motor Company fortune.
Daniel was married 13 days to a telephone operator from Manitoulin Island who was making $15 a week.
The coroner ruled his death an ‘accidental drowning’.
The circumstances suggest otherwise.

The Wedding


Dodge Lodge
BIO - 'Who is Ron McCormack?'
I am a retired senior executive, who spent most of his career with a privately held multi-national. Airports, hotels and board rooms got very tired once I turned 55. Years later, I find myself with the odd consulting gig, a little day trading, a little golf, and a lot of writing.
I was born and raised in Toronto to wonderful parents, loved all sports and excelled in, well let’s say, none of them.
I went to school for business but English was never far away. In my senior year of high school; grade thirteen, to further date myself, I took three English courses. The reason wasn’t entirely academic, I was in love with two of my teachers.
In the twilight of my corporate career, I travelled the world working for a private equity group who owned the ‘Lean’ company where I was SVP. That experience paid huge dividends. First, I learned how a business should be run, the ‘Lean’ philosophy results in lower costs and higher multiples, guaranteed. Those learnings increased my value in the consulting years that followed.
Second, the travel allowed me to follow several global sports live and up close. I have always liked to gamble and I became consumed with the phenomena of sports fixing, the topic of my first novel, ‘The Big Play.’
From the time I was a toddler, (I took my first step in a Grandview cottage on North Channel Drive) my parents spent their summers on Manitoulin Island. I didn’t realize it then but the island and I were creating a connection that is still alive today, some 60 years later. There is something that draws me back to that place and I can tell you with confidence, I am not alone. In researching two of my novels, ‘The Secrets of Mudge Bay’ and ‘Waaskone’ which are both set on the island, many people spoke of an 'energy' they cannot explain. If you have the chance to visit Manitoulin; go! I will bet you will return there again.
A year ago I published my first true fiction called 'Perrine". A story about a gifted and ruthless gold digger set in NYC and Mexico. I had no idea I would stir such emotion with my readers. Enough said, I may write a sequel.
The more I write the more I learn about myself. I like to make people laugh, although, I have recently learned that several readers of 'The Secrets of Mudge Bay' cried with some of the characters. I know I do both when I’m writing so I guess it is only fair.
I have a beautiful family that I am thankful for everyday.
Thank you for visiting my website.